Our Partnerships
Integrate Health works in francophone West Africa to make quality primary healthcare accessible to all. Working alongside governments, we integrate professional Community Health Workers with improved care in health centers, creating a patient-centered health system that saves lives.
Chenla Children’s Healthcare’s mission is to deliver sustainable, holistic pediatric care and clinical outreach in rural eastern Cambodia. Working in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Chenla provides patient services to children in need, strengthens the local health infrastructure, and improves health worker education in the region.
We’re proud to support a new project in partnership with The Maverick Collective. Together, we’re taking a girl-powered approach to integrating HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health in Eswatini.
The Maverick Collective is an initiative of Population Services International (PSI), created with a mission to build a global community of strategic philanthropists and informed advocates who use their intellectual and financial resources to create change.
Together with Health Access Connect (HAC), we’re helping connect remote communities in Uganda to healthcare.
HAC uses motorcycle taxis to set up monthly, 1-day health clinics in remote villages of Uganda. These clinics allow people to access to anti-retroviral treatment, maternal health services, malaria treatment, child checkups, and family planning.
We’re excited to support PATH’s collaboration with young women and health workers to design new models for the integration of HIV prevention with family planning services in Uganda.
PATH is a global nonprofit dedicated to achieving health equity so all people and communities can thrive. PATH advises and partners with governments, multilateral organizations, businesses, and social investors to address the world’s most pressing health challenges.